Event Website

Surf Life Saving Cornwall Surf Championships

16th - 31st July 2022



30th July 2022

Closing Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2022 - 23:00

Submit entries per age group - the system times out so ensure you split the entries.

Select the category based on year of birth

Entry fee £20 - clubs will be invoiced once entries have closed

SLSGB number required for entry - no number or an alternative text provided - then the entry will be deleted.

Team events will be collected via the club officer on the Officials and Support Team
Information form.

On entering you are confirming the appropriate competence is in place to take part in the races and SLSGB membership is in place.


31st July 2022

Closing Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2022 - 22:06

Submit entries per age group - the system times out so ensure you split the entries.

Select the category based on year of birth

So 2009 age 13 in 2022
U15 born in 2008 and 2007
U17 born in 2006 and 2005
U19 born in 2004 and 2003

Entry fee £20 - clubs will be invoiced once entries have closed

SLSGB number required for entry - no number or an alternative text provided - then the entry will be deleted.

Safeguarding - events are held in a public place, so photo graphs will be taken and SLS Cornwall cannot monitor this. Please let the Committee know if a person cannot be photographed. However, the guardian will be responsible for monitoring this.

On entering you are confirming the appropriate competence is in place to take part in the races and SLSGB membership is in place.

Team events (how many teams in each category) will be collected via the club officer on the Officials and Support Team
Information form.

Sign up by designated club official only - unless instructed otherwise by a Club.

Once the entry has closed the clubs will be invoiced. Please pay promptly.

Safeguarding - events are held in a public place, so photo graphs will be taken and SLS Cornwall cannot monitor this. Please let the Committee know if a person cannot be photographed. However, the guardian will be responsible for monitoring this.

Thank you

Nippers 16th July (born 2009/2010/2011) £15.00 entry fee
Nippers 17th July (born 2012/2013/ 2014) £15.00 entry fee

Masters/Open 30th July £20 entry fee
Youth 31st July (2009-2003) £20 entry fee

Location: Portreath

Cornwall SLS

Event Organiser Cornwall SLS

Surf Life Saving Cornwall